Green & Growth ® G-Filler
Nuestras fibras lignocelulósicas son un material altamente técnico y versátil que está ganando popularidad para múltiples aplicaciones y en diferentes sectores industriales, tanto por los beneficios mecánicos que aportan a los productos finales como por su carácter sostenible.
Green & Growth ® G-Biochar
Biochar (or biocharcoal) is a material which is rich in carbon, it is highly resistant and persistent over time (refractory), it is obtained by means of thermal decomposition from any biomass in the absence of oxygen (pyrolysis).
Green & Growth ® G-Celluloses
Cellulose is the main building material of nature. It is the most abundant natural biopolymer on the planet, capable of replacing fossil-based materials on a massive scale.
Green & Growth ® G-Lignin
Cellulose is the main building material of nature. It is the most abundant natural biopolymer on the planet, capable of replacing fossil-based materials on a massive scale.
Green & Growth ® G-Graphene-Like
La biomasa fibrosa es un precursor natural con alto contenido de carbono y es una fuente ideal de bajo costo para producir compuestos ricos en carbono.